Argumentative Essay: Should We Live In Space?

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The leaps we have taken to learn what is found in space is quite remarkable, we started out just looking with our naked eye wondering what we were even looking at, to now-a-days where we are trying to answer the question of should we live in space. Scientist, Head NASA officials, and so many more have expressed their personal opinions on what is going to happen next, and one bit of common ground that they can all come to is that money is going to be a main issue. With the International Space Station costing around one hundred and fifty billion dollars to just build, it brings up the question, is it worth going back to space? The answer is no, but what we do need to do is begin to do research on making it possible to go to space without sending our nation into more and more debt, How do you expect to build and upkeep a moon base, that may cost billions and billions of dollars, when the country is already 18.15 trillion in debt? There are so many different opportunities for the Untied states to spend that money. We have the Moon completely mapped out and …show more content…
After going through multiple arguments its hard to find an answer. For starters, they believe that going to space will be more beneficial than doing it back on Earth. This all makes sense till you remember that we still cannot land on the Moon or Mars. Another example is Paul D. Lowman Jr., he says, “the last few decades of space exploration and astronomy have shown that the universe is violent and dangerous,” which is a true statement. I mean there are black holes, asteroids, solar flairs, and so many more, but what can we do about them? If we are in space we have no protection, for instant, the moon does not have an ozone layer, so comets and asteroids will hit it full force. They will continue making these statements that going to space now is the better solution, but with the cost to do what most of them want to do it will still be a

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