The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has so many technologies that benefit everyday life they had to create a magazine that shows the different technologies called NASA Spinoff. Many-redesigned space technologies are very beneficial to society. An example of this is NASA scientists helped develop a commercial kiln that turns plastic into useful petroleum products (Coleman et al 126). In addition, a system originally designed to transform the Martian atmosphere into rocket fuel is helping microbreweries recapture carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbonate their beer (Coleman et al 92). Furthermore, G-suits used to help pilots and astronauts withstand intense acceleration have been adapted to save women suffering from postpartum hemorrhage (Coleman et al 34). These “spinoffs” as NASA likes to call them, help contribute to the nation’s economic growth by generating billions of dollars in revenue and creating thousands of
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has so many technologies that benefit everyday life they had to create a magazine that shows the different technologies called NASA Spinoff. Many-redesigned space technologies are very beneficial to society. An example of this is NASA scientists helped develop a commercial kiln that turns plastic into useful petroleum products (Coleman et al 126). In addition, a system originally designed to transform the Martian atmosphere into rocket fuel is helping microbreweries recapture carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbonate their beer (Coleman et al 92). Furthermore, G-suits used to help pilots and astronauts withstand intense acceleration have been adapted to save women suffering from postpartum hemorrhage (Coleman et al 34). These “spinoffs” as NASA likes to call them, help contribute to the nation’s economic growth by generating billions of dollars in revenue and creating thousands of