Coach Rashford is very knowledgeable when it comes to soccer and played soccer professionally when he lived in England. He tried covering up his disappointment with a stern voice, reassuring our team that we could win. After the intense conversation our team stepped onto the field ready to battle for the win. Our main focus of the second half of the game was to play defense. If Canton Celtic put us down 2-0 the game would practically be over. Throughout the game, our defense held up very well and created many counter attacks and other opportunities for our offense to score. Our coach became very happy with our play style, but was confused why we still had not scored.With five minutes left in the game, the score was still 1-0 and most of our team had lost hope. In the final minute of regulation I had made a run down the sideline and …show more content…
Our first player was called up to take the kick. He was our best player, and has never missed a penalty kick in his life. Unfortunately, he became nervous and hit the post. Next up was a player from the opposing team. Their player found the bottom right corner with no problem at all. I knew it was still possible to win, anything was possible after knowing that we could tie the game in the last minute. The second and third shooter from both teams missed their opportunity as well. At this point there was only two players from each team left to go, one of which was me. Luckily, our fourth shooter finished the ball into the top right corner. Once again, we had tied up the game. Now, the best player from Canton Celtic named Eric was called up to shoot. Everyone knew he would make it, as he won the State Cup for his team last year. The whistle blew and Eric delivered a crazy shot. In this moment, I had lost all hope, but wait, our goalie had saved his shot. The ball had deflected off of his finger tips and popped just over the crossbar. The game, once again, was up to me. If I score, we have a chance of pulling away with the win. Once again, I knew I had to be confident. I placed the ball down on the dot, took three long step back and inhaled a deep breath of air. I ran up to the ball once the whistle was blown and looked at the left of the goalie, causing the goalie to dive right. This was my chance,