Writing about my personal experience, made me think about all the Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) who led me throughout my military career and personal life. It also made me recall the obstacles I faced and overcame throughout my career that shaped me to who I am today. "Minus one plus nine" is the symbolism that I use to describe the story of how I joined the Army as an Enlisted Soldier and the barriers that I have surpassed throughout my career to reach the rank of Sergeant Major (E-9).
Do you speak English?
My journey began on February 14, 1992, when I migrated from El Salvador to the United States. The image of my family's tears as they said goodbye remains in my mind. Even though I was unhappy to leave my family and friends behind, I was hungry to search the "American Dream." During the flight from El Salvador, I began writing my goals and dreams; I remember having the dream of becoming a medical doctor so I could help others; however, it only took one month after arriving to New York City to discover the cost for medical school. My English speaking was also not very good since the only tree words I knew were Hello, How are you, and Thank you. My family advised me to get a job and deal with the reality; I began pushing shopping carts at a local grocery store. It is hard to do that job since I had language barrier. An unforgettable slogan, "Be all you can be." My first encounter with the Army and a Noncommissioned officer (NCO) took place nearby where I lived in New York City at a recruiting station. …show more content…
I remember the Sergeants looking very sharp and tall in their uniforms. I thought to myself, “maybe one day I could join the Army and be one of them." I pause for a moment and remind myself about my limitation to speak English. One afternoon, while mailing postcards back home, I saw a selective service form. In that form, it stated that all males between the ages of 18 and 25 must by law to register. I felt the civil responsibility to do it; I completed the form and mailed it back. A few weeks later, an Army recruiter called my house trying to contact me. Since I could not speak English very well, my father answered the phone. I tried to understand how an Army recruiter knew about me and how he knew my number so soon. Years later, I discovered that the selective service was a system that the government used to look for potential candidates to join the military. The recruiter asked my father if he wanted me to enlist into the Army, he told the recruiter that I could not speak English very well, despite the language barrier the recruiter went to my house. The recruiter took me to the local library and showed me two books: the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and Ingles Sin Barreras book (English without Borders). The Recruiter ended by telling me that if I study using these books, I could join the Army. I checked out those books and studied them for two hours daily for three months. The recruiter called once a week to check on my progress, he and I noticed my improvement. My dad always doubted me joining the military; however, the recruiter had trust in me and believed that I could do it. It was very surprising to me that a stranger cared so much for me and believed in me more than my family. The new Soldier in town On October 1992, the recruiter gave me a practice …show more content…
One of the inspectors selected my desk for inspection. Neither my peers nor the NCO in charge of the department wanted the inspection to occur in my desk due to their perception that I was a “screw-up Soldier for my incompetence with speaking English. Still, my NCO had confidence in me and allowed the review to continue. Unexpected by my peers and the NCO of the department, my desk had received a superior rating and as a result, I received my first award, an Army Achievement Medal. Once again, my potential was recognized which resulting in my NCO training me for the next goal which was the promotion board. Even though my language proficiency continues improving, I was very hard on myself and worked harder to improve my