Analysis Of Pharinet's Essay: Is College For Everyone

Improved Essays
College or Not
More students are attending college today than any other year. Statistics show that about 21 million students are expected to attend American colleges and universities (National Center for Education). At a young age students are placed under a vast amount of pressure when the topic of college hits the dining table. Parents urge kids that an education is highly important, and that without it they are doomed. Student are left to believe that they only have one option and are placed on a strain to perform at an elite level. Unfortunately not all students will perform exceptionally well, and will have to find another alternative to survive. In her essay “Is College for Everyone”, blogger Pharinet addresses a concern that not everyone should attend college. Pharinet wants the reader to understand that there is a difference between having the right to an
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With so much pressure to attend college, students disregard the many jobs that are available to high school graduates. Pharinet mentions, “…that work can be learned on the job or even a trade school” (Pharinet 682). This shows that people do not have to be professionals, rather be willing to learn a specific skill. Some jobs are hands on and can be improved with practice. In his article “20 High Paying Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree”, writer Harlon Agsaoay provides a list of jobs that don’t require college education. For instance, with a high school diploma, people can become a power plant operator and make a median wage of $66,130 annually (Agsaoay). This asserts that people without college education can earn a decent living. In fact for people straight out of high school jobs like electrical installers, elevator repairers, or makeup artist could help them become independent at a faster rate. There would be no need to attend college when a high paying job is available from the very

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