Charles Murray's Article Are Too Many People Going To College

Improved Essays
From the day we start school, it is drilled into our brain that college is the only way to have a good future, but that may not be the case at all. Just ask Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. Although it helps to have a revolutionary idea like these men, it is not necessary. Ordinary people can also achieve success without a college degree. At least, that’s what Charles Murray in his article “Are Too Many People Going to College?”, Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill in their article “Should Everyone Go to College?”, and Mike Rose in his article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” argue. They acknowledge that college has its benefits, but they also realize that it has some drawbacks. These authors believe that college promotes social inequality, …show more content…
Although many people see this as a positive thing, the authors argue that college is not for everyone. Murray discloses that some of those that enter college to get a degree end up dropping out. He attributes this to the fact that “it remains taboo to acknowledge that college is intellectually too demanding for many young people” (251). Murray believes that young people would benefit more if guidance counselors pushed them toward something they were naturally good at as they would enjoy it far more and would excel. Similarly, Owen and Sawhill believe that “a bachelor’s degree is not a smart investment for every student in every circumstance” (222). They argue that society would benefit more “if the default for many lower-achieving students was a career-focused training path rather than a path that involves dropping out of a traditional college” (Owen and Sawhill, 222). When doing the research, Owen and Sawhill found that schools that were career-focused led to increased employment stability and increased wages, especially for students at risk of dropping out. Along the same lines, Rose witnessed his own mother lead a productive life as a waitress with no college degree. She was still able to provide for her family and learned valuable skills through her occupation. In addition, Rose’s uncle had a good job without a college degree. College might be the correct choice for some students, but it is not a one size fits all

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