Three Reasons Why College Still Matter By Andrew Delbanco

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College in today’s society is seen as a lifestyle, experience, and a necessity. Millions upon millions of students are crushed by the false reality being spewed off by television on how life will be after high school. Young impressionable minds are brainwashed into believing that college isn’t the path to success, but instead it is luck. These young minds start to believe that they will become rich and famous while avoiding the dues of student loans. This false reality leads these students to view college in a negative light when in fact a college education is what could be setting them apart from their ideal lifestyle. Andrew Delbanco, a well-known author, wrote an article titled “3 Reasons Why College Still Matters” in which he argues that college still matters because of its economic advantage, political involvement, and the advancement of the community as whole. He believes that college is still a crucial part of one’s community and a factor that cannot be replaced. College has become a necessity which impacts every aspect of one’s life. I agree with Andrew Delbanco views and believe that a college education is …show more content…
The opportunities given by higher education are ones students will want to share with family members. A graduated parent is more likely to send the offspring on to college as well. For example my older brother was the person to go to college from my entire family and extended family. This started a chain reaction which led me to get inspired when I saw the opportunities and success he was able to access with higher education. My cousins who are younger than me now take education as a priority and are focused on earning a degree. Although it may be too late for my parents and my uncles, the generations to come will be empowered from education. Along with helping my family this also improves the society as educated people enter the working

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