Three Reasons College Still Matters Analysis

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The article “Three Reasons College Still Matters” was published on March 04, 2012 by Andrew Delbanco. Delbanco begins talking about the importance of college. He talks about how a college diploma is now slowly starting to become the minimum qualification for entry into jobs. Delbanco states there is “abundant evidence” that people with a college degree make more money in their lifetime than someone with a high school diploma. Delbanco also talks about how a family's income has shown to be affecting the chances of students receiving a quality education.

Delbanco's main counter-argument is giving all students a fair chance at high education. Delbanco states, “If you are the child of a family making more than $90,000 per year, your odds of getting a BA by age 24 are roughly 1 in 2; if your parents make less than $35,000, your odds are 1 in 17.” Delbanco's than states “Moreover, among those who do get to college, high-achieving students from affluent families are four times more
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Without college, we don't know how to abstain from being effortlessly controlled; we may not have an independent perspective. He argues that college helps make us an “informed citizenry” that is capable of participating in government in a responsible and intelligent manner.He argues that one must be educated on democracy. Delbanco says that democracy can’t thrive without educated people. “The basis of our government.” Delbanco quotes Thomas Jefferson, that once said: "the basis of our government is the opinion of the people." He discusses Jefferson's idea about educated citizens and says that it ought to be held at a higher significance than ever. Delbanco also mentions Kronman, former Yale dean who introduced students to constitutive ideas of western culture. He closes off the article by saying “And an American college is only true to itself when’ it opens its doors to all – the rich, the middle, and the

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