Kahn Academy reports that “The average 4-year bachelor’s degree holder, for instance, earns nearly $1 million dollars more over the course of their lifetime than someone who holds only a high school diploma(Financial Costs).”When the essay says college, it is referring to the idea of continuing education after high school. College also refers to trade school. “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree(Leonhardt, David).”Money has become a very important need in today’s society. Money is a way of giving a person a status. The article goes on to explain how much more a person has the chance to make the more years he or she goes to college. College is a big investment, but the graduate will earn a great return on the investment. The more competitive the school is, the better the return will be. Though private schools are believed to give the graduate a more competitive edge once they begin applying to jobs, they do not revieve the return on their investment that those who go to public schools do. Stephanie and Isebel put this information in the text because money can have a large sway on the way people look at going to college. College costs a lot of money, but the student that graduates will have …show more content…
In Stephanie and Isabel’s essay, it stated “...public schools tend to have higher ROIs than private schools...”(Owen, S., & Sawhill). There was a chart that showed that students have been able to make a bigger return on the money put into college after graduating from a public school than a private school. This statement could be considered both a comparison and an anomaly. It seemed a bit strange to read the chart because people tend to think that private schools should provide a person with a better education and get them into a better job. Private schools are more expensive, so people tend to think that the level of education is going to be better that the less expensive, or public, schools. Apparently, the idea that private schools are more beneficial is not necessarily the case. It is a good thing that the authors, Stephanie and Isebel, explained that public schools lead to a higher return than what private schools do because the price of school is a big deal to most people. When it is known that a less expensive school can get you as good of job as a more expensive school, people may have a different opinion on going to college(Owen, S., &