In his essay, College at Risk, Andrew Delbanco, a professor at Columbia University, insists that college “can provide the pleasurable chastisement of discovering that others see the world differently and that their experience is not replicable by, or even reconcilable with, one’s own. It is a rehearsal for deliberative democracy” (350). A college education provides students the freedom to think and structures their thoughts in ways that are critical. Also, it reveals to students the importance of how others view the world differently from their own, already formed perspective. All of which are resources necessary to becoming a better person, a better citizen of the American country and learning one’s identity. Additionally, he states that college is “An aid to reflection, a place and process whereby young people take stock of their talents and passions and being to sort out their lives in a way that is true to themselves and responsible to others”(353). Other than discovering oneself and acquiring skills that makes one a better citizen, college is also a place which helps young people develop their talents and passions. Thus, college is still worth it because it provides students with more than just education but skills and a true sense of
In his essay, College at Risk, Andrew Delbanco, a professor at Columbia University, insists that college “can provide the pleasurable chastisement of discovering that others see the world differently and that their experience is not replicable by, or even reconcilable with, one’s own. It is a rehearsal for deliberative democracy” (350). A college education provides students the freedom to think and structures their thoughts in ways that are critical. Also, it reveals to students the importance of how others view the world differently from their own, already formed perspective. All of which are resources necessary to becoming a better person, a better citizen of the American country and learning one’s identity. Additionally, he states that college is “An aid to reflection, a place and process whereby young people take stock of their talents and passions and being to sort out their lives in a way that is true to themselves and responsible to others”(353). Other than discovering oneself and acquiring skills that makes one a better citizen, college is also a place which helps young people develop their talents and passions. Thus, college is still worth it because it provides students with more than just education but skills and a true sense of