Being one of the students of a community …show more content…
Just like me, thousands of international students as well as local students are benefitted by the affordable price, simple requirements for admission, and tremendous options and opportunities of community college. Though I belong to engineering field back in my country, I was able to switch to IT field and many of those grades were easily transferred to a community college which saves both time and money. At the moment I have an Associate degree and employed in an IT field as well. This would not have been possible in the absence of community college. The most interesting thing is, for my Bachelors degree I am taking only core course at Western Kentucky University while taking other general courses at community college in a very cheap price comparing to WKU, which is about 3 times more expensive.
In conclusion, Addison states that community college offers tremendous options and opportunities to people of all walks of life and to people of all backgrounds to become worldly, insightful, cultured and mature, and “for some students, from many backgrounds, would never breathe the college