With training programs in nursing, …show more content…
Pullman (2015), equates free community college with stealing, that it is unfair to take money from taxpayers to hand it to another who may not pay taxes. Pullman (2015) has also decided that community college is a waste of time and that everyone can afford the tuition. Most journalists like Andrew Kelley (2016), director of the Center on Higher Education Reform, debates that free community college will not look at the low rates of student readiness, success, and could strain public budgets. United States Senator Lamar Alexander made the statement that "Two years of college for a low-income student is already free, or nearly free”, although that is rarely the situation (Goldrick-Rab and Kelly, …show more content…
Spending for each state is almost ten billion dollars on which is used for financial aid. Seventy-six billion dollars is spent supporting higher education (Samuels, 2013). It could be possible to make community college tuition-free by using each states current resources in the form of tax breaks and other deductions for tuition (Samuels, 2013). Most schools increase their price to subsidize financial aid for low-income students if that system was removed and the state and federal government issue a certain amount of money for each student, the cost of education could be significantly lower (Samuels,