If college were free, there would be a higher percentage of people who graduate from college. Everyone should get a chance to get a higher education without paying. If students have been going to school for free, they should not have to start paying for school when they graduate. Having to pay tuition will be a big change for a person who usually does not have to pay to go to school. College should be free for people who have low income like middle class and lower class because everyone cannot afford college. Going to college for free will provide a big opportunity for a person to have a career. College can be paid for in many different ways. Students are stressed about the cost of college tuition because finding the money to pay for it is a major deal. One way to pay for college is to get a scholarship, but not every student can get a scholarship, and it will be better if college tuition were free. People really struggle to pay for college because they will have to find a way to …show more content…
It is worthwhile investing in people because this kind of investment will improve communities. Fewer homeless people will make up communities because more people will have good paying jobs. Better educated people will improve a community’s environment. Free college will be better for everyone. Students with low income will make more of an effort to graduate from college because their families and their lives will improve because of their education. Sacramento City College student Markese Pierce stated that free tuition is “‘probably the smartest thing we can do because it will keep people in school [.] It makes people want to further their lives and their future’” (Devaney). Graduating from college will impact families because getting a college degree will pass on to the next generation and improve the next