After the economic recession in 2008, life has only gained more and higher expenses. Studies have highly increased, while wages have increased but not an equitable value to meet a college students’ expenses. In the article, The Reality of Free Community College Tuition, by Fran Cubberley, she presents both pro and con arguments in why it would be beneficial for our current and ongoing high school graduates to receive a free two-year education. The arguments made are: As a pro, students could avoid such costs as well as reduce the likelihood of requesting a loan. As for a con, “the cost of educating and serving students, and senior management and the board of trustees will need to adopt creative financial strategies to maintain …show more content…
He states, that a nationally supported, but locally controlled, tuition-free education system from kindergarten through four years of college is possible. It is not likely for it to happen soon, but adding two years to the existing free education model is digestible financially. He adds this is the kind of national investment that will pay off in ways immeasurable. Better-educated people tend to get better-paying jobs, adding more fuel to the nation’s economic engine, and is benefiting to our nation providing better-informed and more-engaged electorates.
In essence, how to pay for it? He believes there's one approach: Recalibrate some of our corporate subsidies such as: big oil and coal companies which produce about $21 billion a year, and big commercial farming companies producing $14 billion a year, as an estimate. Taxpayers count $3.38 billion in the most recent budget for weapons, military programs, and other military contractors the Pentagon does not approve. He emphasizes we have the money, it's just not properly …show more content…
Since, students were not overwhelmed with college costs 80% returned the following semester to complete their college education. Usually in all states a requirement is to have 2.5 GPA, Particularly in the state of New York, Patton says “Enroll at least half time, pay $50 for courses, and receive at least $1,000 in Promise aid; create a reimbursement program for tuition expenses paid out-of-pocket not covered by financial aid; recipients must complete at least 25 hours of community service and sign a contract agreeing to live and work full-time in New York for five years after earning their degree.”
Thirdly, the article “High-Ranking Colleges and Universities Strengthen Financial Aid” tells the audience about how higher ranking colleges and universities have widely opened the acceptance rates to low income working class individuals as well as African Americans. Some colleges amongst the many have been Harvard university, Columbia University, Brown University, UCLA, etc. These colleges are still strictly uptight when it comes to ensuring a good academic standing in order to enter these colleges. Just to provide students with the