Honor Code Analysis

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If St. Xavier were to have an honor code regarding cheating and honesty for every assignment that we turn in, there would be less of a sense of trust and with a school carrying the reputation that it does; it would be a little embarrassing, implying that their students can’t make the best moral decisions themselves. In the school that I actively attend, St. Xavier, most people would agree that the students and teachers have good relationships with mutual respect for each other. With the addition of a written honor code, the students would feel disrespected because the fear of the penalty acts as the driving force for a reason to not cheat instead of just striving to be ‘Men for Others’ as we are called to be. This would damage the student-teacher …show more content…
X carries, I think that many students feel pressured to reach the expectations set by family, peers, teachers, or even just ourselves and so they cheat. Competition among students plays a big role in the pressure from peers to do well. Students, after practically any assignment, will converse with their friends about what grade they received because we all want to be better than our friends. On a regular basis at St. X in the year 2015, we are told that our own answers are the best answers; however people often think that not to be true, because social acceptance of being smart is more important than the morality of cheating. In the movie School Ties, Mr. Cleary and Mack McGivern engage in a hostile environment within a French class where the teacher puts fear in the student which leads to Mack having a nervous breakdown and eventually leaving the school. At that school of St. Matthews in the 1950’s, there was so much pressure from McGivern’s family put upon by himself to get into Princeton, that he reached a breaking point and had a breakdown. Another reason people may cheat is because they fear the consequences of failing a class or just the humiliation from the teacher for not being prepared with homework. Copying homework or alerting someone of test questions are probably the most common form of cheating here, because many don’t consider it a large advantage and may just want to help out a friend struggling in a class or avoid a punishment for a missing

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