Honor Code Dbq

Decent Essays
The internet is an " Inexhaustible source of information" which makes it easier for students to cheat and plagiarize. Students are more likely to cheat because it's easier to do and it's extremely beneficial to them. Students can simply just insert phrases and even whole paragraphs directly into their essays or reports. Schools that have established honor codes have fewer reports of cheating. Honor codes at schools- typically student- enforced- have fewer reports of plagiarism. Having an honor code would create a trustworthy environment with fewer problems between the student body. Therefore, schools should establish an honor code because it would prevent cheating, push students to be honest, and it would set higher standards.

Typically, in schools with strictly enforced honor codes students who are convicted of lying or cheating can expect to receive punishments ranging from suspension to expulsion. It is simply "tempting" for students to cheat because it requires less effort and responsibility. However, establishing an honor code could prevent students from taking the easier way to progress in school. As stated in Source C, "
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On the other hand, Peer developed honor codes don't always work. Their success depends on a "culture of academic integrity" meaning that it depends on the student to take the code seriously (Source C). However, since it is based on expectations, students will decide to be more honest with themselves and others around them. As stated in Source F, " Many students would simply be embarrassed to have other students find out they were cheating". Based on the peer pressure and the standards made by the code, it is more compelling for students to be truthful about what they are doing. As a result, with the peer culture, students will set higher standards for

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