Take the feedback loop told in Source C. “If a student enters a college with mostly cheater types,” Dirmeyer writes, “then the costs of cheating are low, and the benefits are high. Therefore, an honor code would not do anything to prevent this if that is the culture of the school, regardless of whether or not there is an established honor code, as documented in Source D. The University of Virginia has an honor code, which must be written on every assignment, but that did not change the attitudes of 157 students who were caught cheating. These students had copied anywhere between some of their early work to a third of somebody else’s work, all while promising to have not cheated. It is clear that the honor code is regarded as merely some sentence-speaking
Take the feedback loop told in Source C. “If a student enters a college with mostly cheater types,” Dirmeyer writes, “then the costs of cheating are low, and the benefits are high. Therefore, an honor code would not do anything to prevent this if that is the culture of the school, regardless of whether or not there is an established honor code, as documented in Source D. The University of Virginia has an honor code, which must be written on every assignment, but that did not change the attitudes of 157 students who were caught cheating. These students had copied anywhere between some of their early work to a third of somebody else’s work, all while promising to have not cheated. It is clear that the honor code is regarded as merely some sentence-speaking