Dbq Honor Code

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The conflict regarding the utilization of the honor code can be seen throughout the school system, ranging from even elementary, to the college level. With students feeling increased pressure to succeed and little obligation to turn in their peers, honor codes have fallen out of step with values of the modern college student.Codes such as these are in place to keep young students honest and hardworking. In the recent years these codes have been violated significantly. The question lies within the board of students and within the student body if these codes are in use and if they should be revised or eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary for an honor code to be implemented in order to cultivate integrity, because not only does it provide an atmosphere where students do not have to fear from their peers cheating off of them, it also statistically lowers the percentage of untruthfulness amongst schools. Establishing a strict honor code that clearly states the consequences is almost vital in making it efficient. According to McCabe, “students at colleges cheat less than their counterparts do” (Source C). This is …show more content…
This can be seen through Aaron Bacall’s cartoon, satirically stating that "a spy cam can greatly improve the honor code" (Source A). Furthermore, with today’s technology, following the honor code is becoming more and more difficult for students to follow. According to Chris Kahn, the internet is full of information, making it an easy route to plagiarism (Source D). Many honor codes state “obligations” that an authority cannot control or provide evidence for, such as reporting/confronting a peer for cheating. Like many other students like Alyssa Vangelli, not only do they believe it is not the student’s responsibility, they also believe that it will cause a tense relationship between peers (Source B). These factors can be argued that an honor code is flawed in many

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