A step that should be taken in utilizing the honor code is building trust. We see in Source D Lou Bloomfield, the instructor of a physics class, teachers a very large class of 300 to …show more content…
Unlike trust in the honor code, you can not change conscience. People will always do what they thinks is right. In other words, maybe students can be taught why cheating is wrong. Philip Altbach, a higher education scholar at Boston College from Source D, speaks on plagiarism and says says “It's just just easier to do…It's tempting to simply insert phrases”. There are too many aspects of cheating for the honor code to address. This text shows how conscience will always win over trust and will always win over honesty. So even if teachers and students build trust, you can never trust conscience. Furthermore, “plagiarism is more common now”(Source D) which makes the problem even bigger. The reason there is more plagiarism from students is because there is more pressure. And the reason for more pressure is that students don't understand the honor code. Therefore, if you don't understand the honor code you will do what is right based on your conscience. This is why honor code is unreliable and a waste of …show more content…
In Source F, students were to take their exams without proctors present. This shows the hypocrisy of schools who use the honor code. They say they want to stop cheating on the other hand, cluster more students who cheat together. We know that with The Feedback Loop (Source C), students are also influenced by their peers. If there are students taking a test without procters, that creates a low tolerance for cheating. Where there is low tolerance for cheating, there are more people that are likely to cheat. So basically, teachers are setting their students of for failure because they are careless of how students take exams. We also see the assumption of cheating by teachers. The honor code will not work because schools that want to use it must set standards for themselves