As it is seen in the students’ responses at Lawrence Academy in Alyssa Vangelli, they said that they did “...not see it as their responsibility” when asked to report cheating (Source B). Another example are the Harvard students in the article about honor codes by Jennifer Dirmeyer and Alexander Cartwright who “...are skeptical that signing a piece of paper will suddenly cause a cheater to change their ways” (Source C). It can be later seen in Dirmeyer and Cartwright’s article that honor codes that are strictly enforced managed by students reduces cheating due to punishments and a social disapproval. Additionally, referring back to McCabe and Pavela’s article, “...the highest levels of cheating are usually found at colleges that have not engaged their students in active dialogue on the issue of academic dishonesty” (Source F). Evidently, maintaining an honor code within the school is proven to reduce
As it is seen in the students’ responses at Lawrence Academy in Alyssa Vangelli, they said that they did “...not see it as their responsibility” when asked to report cheating (Source B). Another example are the Harvard students in the article about honor codes by Jennifer Dirmeyer and Alexander Cartwright who “...are skeptical that signing a piece of paper will suddenly cause a cheater to change their ways” (Source C). It can be later seen in Dirmeyer and Cartwright’s article that honor codes that are strictly enforced managed by students reduces cheating due to punishments and a social disapproval. Additionally, referring back to McCabe and Pavela’s article, “...the highest levels of cheating are usually found at colleges that have not engaged their students in active dialogue on the issue of academic dishonesty” (Source F). Evidently, maintaining an honor code within the school is proven to reduce