Essay On Honor Code

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The honor code is a list that we as Christians should live our life according to. The honor code for Oral Roberts University could be called the students commandments that they must carry out during their time here and hopefully the rest of their lives. The purpose of the honor code is to give us students a foundation to abide by. The honor code to me represents what an ideal Christian should do by making us pledge to try and grow every day spiritually. It also tells us to make physical activity a lifestyle instead of a past time, and it tells us to not be afraid of the path God has for us and to take any door he opens for you instead of being completely blind to it and miss out on what God wants for you. The honor code sets a standard that we students should be carrying out in our lives that it puts us on a different level than the public universities. It does not make us better than them by any means, we are just held more accountable than they are. The section that stands out to me in the honor code is number three. It talks …show more content…
When I graduated high school a few of my friends invited me to go out and do some illegal things, but they would not get caught because it was in a safe environment. I could have easily snuck out of the house and gone and hang out with them, but I had this gut feeling. My gut was telling me that if I went to go hang out with something would happen and it would change my future, but my skin nature was telling to go because I enjoyed hanging out with those friends and did not want to get made fun of and most likely end up losing them as friends. My gut feeling, which I knew it was God speaking to me, won the dilemma and I decided to stay in that night. I did end up losing those friends, but that gave me the chance to meet new friends and they help me become a better person every

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