Dbq Essay On Honor Code

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Preventing the immoral actions while teaching the trust, the school had to maintain but fully explain about the honor codes. From the few schools, there was an already disputation towards the honor codes such as ‘students did not fully understand the role of an honor code; many saw it as another rule to obey“(Source B) which would lead to elimination of honor code, simultaneously loss of both students and school’s trust. Moreover, other problem would be students’ view towards the establishment in honor code that it might lead “skeptical” view which would lead them to be cheaters. On the other hand, this problem might be resolve due to the reality that the students had to face so that “signing a piece of paper will suddenly cause a cheater to …show more content…
However, if those rules don’t exist and no punishment at all, the school would be in chaos so that “lying or cheating can expect to receive punishments ranging from suspension to expulsion”(Source C). As Machiavelli presented that to be a ‘real’ prince, one should not be fear about called as cruel. I think it would occur similar to school too that school should be cruel in someways such as giving harsh punishments so that the students, who are not fully developed as adults, could set their own mindset and could define the right or wrong things. The best example would be plagiarism. According to Kahn, Chris, “But even here[Thomas Jefferson’s school, one of the high rank high school in US], where honor is so well defined and policed by an elite student committee, plagiarism has become a problem”(Source D). As the assignments get bigger and repeat the similar topics, “A few of the students had copied from earlier work. Others had lifted at least a third of their papers from someone else”(Source D). Cheating won’t be disappear suddenly as the students already used to plagiarise forget of using their own mind. One school presents the great idea which would stated, “Recent research has shown that a spy cam can greatly improve the honor code”(Source A). By presenting the visual words of persuading students to not do cheating might help to brainwash the

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