Peering over a student's shoulder during a big test to peak at their answers is a prime example of cheating. The cheating student would then turn in those answers as if they were their own to receive whatever grade the student who had worked honestly deserved. In the University of South Florida's Academic Affairs' document about cheating, titled "Academic Integrity of Students," clearly lists every way a student can be seen as cheating. Other examples of academic dishonesty include forgery, obstruction, and plagiarism (Academic Affairs, p.g. 5-6). The consequences of using dishonest ways to pass class are extremely
Peering over a student's shoulder during a big test to peak at their answers is a prime example of cheating. The cheating student would then turn in those answers as if they were their own to receive whatever grade the student who had worked honestly deserved. In the University of South Florida's Academic Affairs' document about cheating, titled "Academic Integrity of Students," clearly lists every way a student can be seen as cheating. Other examples of academic dishonesty include forgery, obstruction, and plagiarism (Academic Affairs, p.g. 5-6). The consequences of using dishonest ways to pass class are extremely