Summary Of The Book 'Doing School'

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“Doing School,” the book was written by Denise Pope. Denise Pope was one of the co-founders of the website Challenge Success, which is an organisation in which parents wanting to foster a child or teen can learn tips and tricks on how to. She is also specializes in curriculum studies, service learning, student engagement, school reform, and qualitative research methods. Denise Pope is extremely interested in the student voices in school and their perspective. This is one of the reasons why she wrote the book “Doing School.” In the book, she observed that at Faircrest’s five students had certain ways of “doing school.” When she asked them, they explained that they would establish allies and treaties, multi-task, and even cheat.
Usually schools
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For example, students might have forgotten to do the math paper and do it the period before. While the teacher is talking or explaining something that students think they can miss, most will try and do homework or anything else they forgot to do the night before. This is called “multi-tasking.” Most students do this to get by and save the time of their own time. Sometimes students get away with this, however; most of the time teachers crack down on this and don't want students to do this. Even though teachers are strict about this, students find ways to complete things for classes while they are in a different class than what homework they are working on. There is a way to efficiently multi-task and not efficiently multi-task. Some people work better with music or something small going on in the background. If students can work with music playing, this is an example of efficiently multi-tasking.
Cheating is a big problem in schools. Sometimes students forget to study for a test or just flat out don't want to. Their way of “passing” school is to cheat. Most of the time if students cheat they don't really care about their education or what they do to get an acceptable grade. The other times students forget they had a test or feel like they are not learning anything or not getting it. This makes them feel the need to cheat to get the right answers and to ace the

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