Some may cheat because they really don’t understand what the real meaning of academic dishonesty or may not get what’s going on in the classroom for the lessons. Others students may cheat because they feel like they always have to succeed or they look at cheating as tricking their teachers. Some cheaters are acknowledge and some go unacknowledged. You have some teachers in this educational world who grades student work and knows that it has been plagiarized and does nothing about it at all. One of the reason why they don’t do anything is because all of that takes time. Teachers like the idea of teaching but don’t like all the extra work that comes with confronting a student about cheating. A lot of them feel like the only person that is hurting from cheating is the …show more content…
When somebody cheats at school it’s claimed to be only an ethical and moral wrong. When people use plagiarism they don’t usually do not have a victim because the author may never know about these situations that may have happened. The moral impoliteness of cheating wear down in social reality. Something that colleges sometimes have to deal with. Have you ever wonder how can the academic environment mandate students to be independent and have originality? Students always wonder why in college they focus more solitary learning other than getting you prepared on how to work in the real world. After graduating college most but not all students will be working in offices were they will have to share ideas with others, and collaborate together to get their jobs done. The ethical code of the college environment and the real world work environment has a lot of pressure in computer science. College students who are studying in this area are encouraged to work self-sufficiently to absorb more and develop their skills their supposed to know. When they graduated and actually go out to the real world to use their skills they have learned at a job they will share ideas with different co-workers to construct something. For an example if a group of scientists put their ideas together and found a chemical that can cure cancer, one person working alone, could not have created this chemical by themselves. It took a group of