Honor Code Synthesis Essay

Improved Essays
The conflict concerning the inclusion of honor code being incorporated into high schools and colleges can be seen in lots of school systems. The honor code is a rational idea that is often viewed as ineffective when reducing cheating, but statistically, without a doubt, this is not the case. Some people argue that the implementation of the honor code is ineffective, and that it is useless because it makes students work together to avoid getting caught cheating, but facts show that the honor code creates an excellent learning environment, the honor code successfully lowers the percentage of cheating in all schools, and this practice can be used in any school from preschool through college. Firstly, most would argue that honor code enforced …show more content…
This idea in Vangellis article shows that many students oppose "a requirement for students to write a pledge of honor on every piece of work submitted, stating that it was the result of their own thinking and effort." (source B). Students from Lawrence Academy believe that writing a pledge on every assignment was to excessive but using the code frequently was reasonable, I agree that writing a pledge in every paper is excessive and my peers in my school would agree that it is too much responsibility to be that serious. Also, Mccabe believes that honor codes don't always work "Their success depends on "a culture of academic integrity" that leads students to take enforcement of the rules seriously." The honor code thrives on trusting in students to be honest, this is why honor code would struggle to work properly in my school (source C). While these are valid assumptions, I see that later in Dirmeyers article that with strict enforcement of the honor code with harsh punishments like suspension or expulsion in addition to social disapproval attached to cheating tends to reduce cheating (source C). Additionally, In any school, not just mine, if the consequences for cheating were suspension or expulsion then there would be an obvious decrease in

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