If I decided the incident did occur I could arrest or give my report to the Jefferson County Attorney for possible citations or arrest of Romo. Hagman stated he really wanted me speak to Romo and tell him he would like Romo to leave Basin or he would file charges. I explained I could talk to Romo and tell him what he requested but I could not make Romo leave. Hagman stated me speaking to Romo would be good for now. Hagman stated he believed Romo was in Basin right now at his friend’s house Jackie Colombe. I told Hagman I would go and speak to Romo.
I responded to Colombe’s and spoke to Romo and I explained to him what Bill Hagman had requested. I said Hagman would not request the charges be brought forward if he left town. Romo stated he did not understand how Hagman could press charges. I explained if Hagman signed a complaint. I had to follow up and interview all parties and file a report to the County Attorney. They would make the determination if charges were to be filed. Romo stated he was in Basin to visit his baby. He said he did not live in Basin anyway and he would …show more content…
Martin said she did not remember the date for sure but it was possible around October of 2014. She said it was about 11:30 PM at night Romo had knocked on her door stating he was looking for Bill. She gave him paper to write Bill a note. Later she looked out the window and saw a dark colored truck parked in her driveway. Martin went out to check on the truck. As she approached the truck she saw two girls sitting in the truck. Martin stated she spoke briefly to the girls but does not remember what was said. Martin realized Romo was at Hangman’s house. Martin stated she went to Hangman’s house and it was very dark so she had her headlamp with her. When she got to the porch area she hears a ruckus coming from inside the house. When she looked at the other front door she saw Romo fidgeting with the handle. She confronted Romo. Romo called out is that you Bill. Martin yelled at Romo “What the hell are you doing.” Martin stated Romo was shacking so bad she thought Romo had wet his pants. Romo said he was sorry. Martin stated she walked Romo back to the truck. She told Romo she should call the Police. Romo begged her not to call and said he was sorry. Martin believed Romo did not have any items with him. She told Romo to get the hell out of here. Martin called Hagman to let him know Romo had been at the house. I gave Martin a statement to complete and I