. Staff (knowledge and skills/training, competence, physical and mental health) When the new staff began at the hospital they should have been shown where everything was especially pediatric information and references. The staff worked many hours on night shift.…
You shared your dissatisfaction with the care you have received from Kaiser Permanente. You stated that on August 24, 2016, you had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan done at Banner Health. On September 9, 2016, you were informed by Kaiser Permanente, the image completed at Banner Health was done incorrectly and a second MRI was needed. You have requested for file a formal complaint. In addition, you have asked for the second MRI charges in the amount of $158.73 be adjusted off of your account.…
In this assignment I will be evaluating care strategies that can be used initially to help and support the individual disorder and the disorder I will be discussing will be Dementia. The positive aspects in having patients in a hospital setting it allows them to care for by a nurse that’s nearby. Also this strategy would help the individual a lot and this strategy works. A nurse has special training and background in caring for and teaching people with diabetes. A nurse works closely alongside with the doctor this would be in a hospital setting , for example it would be the nurses role to keep the doctor updated when the individual is due for a blood test so that the doctor can refer the individual for a blood test.…
A Day with a Hospice Nurse Hospice nursing is more than just “nursing”, its listening, showing compassion and being and advocate for peace and comfort. Hospice nurses provide individualized care to their patients and families during a time of difficulty and transitioning. During each of our visits, the nurse demonstrated respect for the patient’s views and wishes by asking permission before entering or performing and part of the assessment. She was also actively listening to concerns and asking what else she can do for them.…
She stayed in two different units in the hospital during her stay: Labor & Delivery unit for three days and the Maternal Post-Op recovery unit for the same amount of time but the quality of care she received in both units was not the same. She was…
Implementing mandatory training by professionals on how to give patient centered care should be incorporated into yearly competencies. Secondly, dealing with high patient to nurse ratios need to be examined so the nurse can spend more time with the patient and family. Achieving a first good impression will help the patient and family have a positive outlook on the patients care. Also, having a patient or family advisor for the facility and family can help with care that is given to the patient run more smoothly, and questions answered, with the whole family present.…
Capstone Reflection As I reflect on the past two years of the education that I have participated in, I am excited about the conclusion and completion of my Bachelor of Nursing Science (BSN) degree. I have long anticipated completing my BSN. Twenty plus years ago I was accepted into the University of Washington nursing program, but was positioned as third on the waitlist. Unfortunately, I did not move off the waitlist to start in that BSN program.…
For this assignment I chose to interview a private duty nurse who only has one patient. Throughout this paper, for the sake of confidentiality I will be referring to the private duty nurse that I interviewed as Danielle, and her patient as Racquel. Danielle is the primary care provider for Racquel who is a critically ill child with special needs. Raquel is a 10 year old girl who was born with spinal bifida and attends school part-time. Some of Danielle's job duties consist of taking care of and attending to most of Racquel's medical needs on a daily basis, providing in-home monitoring and accompanying her at school and during out of town visits.…
ANA Code of Ethics Provisions 5-9 The Code of Ethics is the foundation to a nursing career. It can help the Registered Nurse (RN) to deal with ethical and unethical situations throughout patient care. Provisions 1-4 discussed some of the basic principles in patient care. Provisions 5-9 address the nurse’s duties under different circumstances. Provision 5 Provision 5 discusses the importance of not only the nurse’s duty to the patient, but the duty to themselves.…
Clinical Context & Experience I completed my final two shifts on 11/24 and 12/1 at Sharp. The unit had a pretty large census both nights, so we were fairly busy both nights. During this shift I had to notify the doctor twice and felt the most relevant journal topic was advocacy. The first night I had three patients which included a 84 year old man who sustained a hip and right shoulder/humerous fracture from a fall at home and a history of HTN, CKD, MI with coronary stent placement, and diabetes, an 86 year old woman admitted for rapid A-fib with history of TIA, HTN, CHF, and rheumatoid arthritis, and finally a 35 year old woman who was being discharged following her treatment for polynephritis. During my final shift, I cared for a 71 year…
Three key points for my selected topic are: ratio of nurse to patient, nurse’s burnout, and patient safety. Ratio of nurse to patient supports my argument because my main goal is to lower this ratio. It supports my argument because the administrators do not staff the units properly, so they to give each nurse more patients to care for to compensate for the lack of staff. Nurses burnout supports my argument because when a unit is under staff, RN's will have more work to do and more responsibility, which makes them feel overwhelmed.…
Diabetes mellitus can have a large impact on one’s life. Not only can Aboriginal poverty cause the development of diabetes, but it can also further exacerbate its effects and impact aspect of social and emotional wellness as well as physical health (Anderson 2011). Thus, when the immense rate of diabetes mellitus among Aboriginals and the need to social change were eventually relayed to the Canadian government, the issue began to be acknowledged in 1999 with the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) (Health Canada, 2013b). The ADI was developed to advocate for health promotion and diabetes prevention among this aggregate. Initially, this process fell exclusively on the community itself (Health Canada, 2013b).…
For example, some nurses called or visited the pharmacist even though the pharmacy received all medication information though its “green sheets.” Nurses also exchanged information about patients across shifts and with other doctors in a way that was unreliable, redundant, and time-consuming. 3. What solutions do you think he will propose to John Dalton, president of the hospital, and to Julie Bonenfant, the hospital’s vice president? Develop an actionable plan to implement this solution.…
2.5. Self-care practice and management in diabetes : Self-care practice of diabetes : Self-care practice is described as the capacity of patients with diabetes , families and society to enhance wellbeing , preventing incidence of disease , and stop complications , empowering health promotion , handling crises by their selves , or receiving help from medical care providers (World Health Organization, 2009) , An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure , diabetes consider day-to-day mange , because many factors play a rule in glucose level and thus enhancing complications or healing process, as the diabetic patients know too much about their disease , the complication will be minimized and promoting health status. Self-care management…
To complete this paper, I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Wheaton. She is a pediatric physician at Kaiser Permanente in Hayward. I have always wanted to be a physician and since I love working with kids, I thought interviewing a pediatric physician would be very beneficial because it would give me a lot of insight on a career that I might pursue in the future. Since I volunteer at a hospital, I asked my supervisor if she knows a doctor who would give me few hours of his/her time. She gave me five names…