Definition Essay About Love

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What is something that everyone longs to have, something that comes in all different forms, something that us as humans search for our whole lives? If you guessed love then you’re right. Love is the life force behind human beings, love can come in many forms such as platonic, the way you love your best friend or romantic, the way you love your significant other. Romantic love being the most talked about type of love because it is not only the most complicated but the most fulfilling. Thanks to Lifetime movies and Nicholas Sparks books, we are given this idea of what love should be. It should be love at first sight, kissing in the rain and chocolate and roses. It should be dramatic in every aspect and always have a happy ending. If you have ever been in love then you know that all those movies, songs and books set you up for high expectations. We have such expectations for love that we are always searching for those wow moments and if we don’t have those moments then we feel as if we are missing something. When expectations of love are not met in the …show more content…
Love is the emotion I have come to know very well, maybe a little too well. At the age of 15 I learned that sometimes love is not enough to keep a relationship going. The divorce of my parents taught me a lot about love, what love is and what love definitely is not. At a young age I learned that love can be ugly, love can change and the most significant to me is sometimes love is not enough to keep a relationship going. I would say growing up I always kept my guard up when it came to love, watching your mother become completely heartbroken over losing the love of her life to something as simple as growing apart from your dad has some influence on how you perceive

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