Several critical factors also play a vital role in the development of romance, such as childhood and early development, real life experience and the effect it has on relationships, morals and values, self-confidence and esteem, social attitudes and societal expectations, and personal preferences. Males and females are for the most part similar in their physical and mental aspects, but both genders hold unique qualities. While the men want one idea, the women want the other. A female might be interested in a male because of "xyz," but the male may never show any sign of interest to the female. Romance certainly is difficult to act out. Before romance plays a role in a relationship, couples need to have a genuine liking of each other. Couples need to know each other’s likes and dislikes. They need to be honest and loyal to one another. Romance means to be spontaneous, adventurous, excitement, and being full of unexpected surprises. Couples need to learn to take risks. Romance means to be with one another through the ups and downs in life, sharing each other’s times of happiness and sorrows. Romance is the most challenging universal skill for anyone to attain. I believe that the only way to acquire this is if both people in the relationship learn to have their hearts beat as one.
Gopnik says, “Babies are building up ideas about how …show more content…
To some extent, the correlation is logical and although it is impossible to prove cause-and-effect, one should not assume that hooking up is the end-all, be-all of what makes or breaks a relationship. This is a very individualized concept and a dangerous assumption- a person’s morals and values are concrete and unique to their own self and hooking up is not a consistent act that has perpetual repercussions that will erase and rewrite ones moral code overnight or even in a week’s time. It presents the idea that an individual’s experimentation hinders their ability to form long lasting relationships once their experimenting phase is over. I don’t agree with this quote for the fact that I believe experimenting while you are young is actually beneficial to your future relationships. When you are young you should not be focused on trying to form long lasting relationships because you are still trying to find out who you are. In order to be able to be happy with someone else you must first be happy with whom you