In The Price of Young Love, Halima Mohammedi and Rafi Mohammed were both confronted by an angry mob that say the couple are adulterers and demanded that Halima and Rafi be stoned/hanged. Healy’s article explains that tradition in a particular area should not be trifled with, as it will cause many problems to arise. “The riot/ended with one man dead, a police station charred, and Halima and Rafi in juvenile prison.” In Romeo and Juliet, their secret, “undying” love causes the Prince to “[lose] a brace of kinsmen.” The kinsmen were Mercutio and Paris, both on each side of the feud respectively. Many men had died from both of these young people’s love for one another, but Romeo and Juliet’s love seemed to do their country good as the script had a positive outcome, though Halima and Rafi’s course is still quite …show more content…
In The Price of Young Love, Healy states that “such moral crimes,” like falling in love, can be punishable by death.” This illustrates the fact that if a person so chooses to pick their partner in Afghanistan, many issues will surface, like the troubles Rafi and Halima are facing at this moment. In Romeo and Juliet, it is shown that marriage is arranged by the parents when Lord Capulet betroths Juliet to Paris. “The County Paris / Shall happily make thee there a joyful bride.” Many people viewed women as, as people who should be married off to a better off person to ensure their future. Yes, many traditions include this, but it may not be what the parents mean it as. They could easily have wanted their child to have a better future and a good husband, if they so