Programme For Love Jeffrey R. Young Analysis

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Imagine technology advancements that allow computers to bond or robots to interact and perform daily functions. Jeffrey R. Young, a senior writer for The Chronicle, published in January 2011, “Programmed for Love.” In this article, he introduces technology’s impact from the perspective of Sherry Turkle, an MIT researcher who has spent 15 years studying. Turkle fears for what the future may hold in terms of technology forming too strong of a connection with people. Young’s article, “Programmed for Love,” is effective because it discusses the dangers of technology advancement on society.
Young’s article concentrates on Sherry Turkle and her technological research. A robot named Cog, who was made to resemble a human, triggered Turkle’s interest
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He supports his view through few examples and resources, in which it helps to reveal his attitude on the issue more. For example, in a section portion of the Chronicle article, Young mentions David Levy who believes in creating robots for people to replace as their significant companion in life. The purpose of Levy being mentioned in this article was to introduce the image of robots actually replacing relationship roles in humans’ lives. As he says in his article, “For someone who is having trouble with the people world, I can build something. Let’s give up on him. I have something where he will not need relationships, experiences, and conversations. So let’s not work for him. For a whole class of people, we don’t have to worry about relationships, experiences, and conversations. We can just issue them something” (Young, 30) Although Levy may believe that it is better to have an emotional connection whether it is a robot or human, other experts such as Turkle think otherwise. Turkle presents the idea that robots may be able to form an emotional support for humans, but are unable to inherit human traits of having

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