He uses logos and presents his ideas logically through facts and statistics. Tierney starts out the article by showing how recycling isn’t helpful economically. He says, “Prices for recyclable materials have plummeted because of lower oil prices and reduced demand for them overseas. The slump has forced some recycling companies to shut plants and cancel plans for new technologies.” He uses this fact that recycling profits are declining to the point where recycling is costing money to show that recycling isn’t providing economic benefits. With this reason for recycling disproved, he moves onto the next, emissions. He uses statistics to show how greenhouse emissions are not being as affected as the public thinks. He says that one person’s flight from New York to London round trip would create 40,000 plastic bottles worth of greenhouse gases for coach and 100,000 for business or first-class. He then says that this is even misleading as washing off plastic bottles with water that is heated by electricity made by burning coal puts more carbon in the air than that bottle would save. He uses these statistics to show how ineffective recycling is. He first presented one fact that showed the immense amount of recycling needed for just one person’s trip and then says how all that recycling might actually end up …show more content…
He quotes a city park commissioner who fought to keep monkey bars at a playground because it reminded him of how good it felt to sit up on top of them when he was a kid. This brief anecdotal quote about this man’s childhood opens a window to the own reader’s experiences as a child on the playground, bringing feelings of nostalgia to the surface. He continues to say that changes to playgrounds to make them safer have been criticized for causing new problems worse than an injury: anxiety and fear. A quote from a researcher says that children need to have jungle gym equipment with heights and thrill factors to keep them interested and provide a challenge to work at over time. This working slowly to climb to a new height is the same type of technique used to conquer adult phobias. Parents have been worried about falling creating a fear of heights, but studies show that a childhood fall actually lessens the chance of fear later. The emotional aspect of parents’ worry is brought u and this connects to the parents in the audience. By saying that they should fear emotional anxieties over broken bones, Tierney makes one think of their own children or children they care about and the question of would he or she rather have that child get hurt or suffer from a fear that will last into their adulthood. He uses this to help build his point as