Analysis Of Ruined By Mama Nadi

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In the play “Ruined” by Lynn Nottage, Mama Nadi serves the life of many women living in the Congo during the war. Her desires offer conflict with each other causing problems to appear for her and others. Her strategy of self-isolation helps her deal with many conflicts in order to self-achieve satisfaction. While her strategy does help her in many occasions it also creates self-obstacles she has to deal with on her own. She is unable to create relationships with other becomes a consequence of satisfaction that she creates for her character and others.

Mama holds an extremely disturbing past deep inside her character.Granted that Mama only describes her youth about once in the play it seems she had a rough time growing up.Instead of being a
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Mama's character clearly states that she has a “business, not a mission” (Nottage 14) take care of when speaking of Sophie. When Mama demonstrates that she does not want Sophie because it will hurt her business it convinces me that instead of her being heartless she's being careful.Before anything else, Mama is characterized as a businesswoman who looks after herself first. The personality she has makes her act a certain way to the girls and it’s not because she isn’t fond of them but it's the way she has to be to stay safe. Nevertheless, as the critic justifies that in their eyes ruined women are seen as “cursed” (Fox 9). Cautiously, Mama knows what a careless girl can cause her which is life.Considerably Mama's main goal is to make sure she is safe by any means …show more content…
During act 1 scene 5 Sophie is caught trying to steal Mama's money. Admittedly, this action of Sophie’s takes Mama for a surprise because a girl of her’s has never been “bold enough” (Nottage 55) to steal from her. Mama has empathy for Sophie because she has experienced the same type of ruin in a scene.AS a matter of fact, both women have ruined mentally and or physically by the opposite gender.Sophie’s action was a crime of survival because she wants to repair her ruined.In this moment Mama “sees herself in Sophie”(Fox,10). Throughout the course of the play, Mama is seen doing many crimes of survival for example when she made Christian drink the alcoholic beverage.Another one of her crimes has to do with Sophie. Mama tells Sophie to make sure Osembenga is satisfied with her performance in the backroom.This request catches the other characters by surprise due to their knowledge of Sophie's ruined. Mama knew that if Osembenga wasn't satisfied then he would likely kill them all. Mama knew it was her or all of them so she sacrificed Sophie to save the

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