Favoritism In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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The short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker uses Mama’s preference for Dee, the sisters’ emotional limitations, and Mama’s final decision in Maggie’s favor to suggest that parental favoritism is often a root of family conflict. Even though Mama may love both her daughters, due to Dee and Maggie’s differing personalities and needs, throughout the daughter’s lives they are treated differently by Mama. The story shows her favoritism is not done out of malice, and in the end, she will try and rectify the situation. This short story shows the conflict which occurs between the sisters due to the years of the favoritism Mama showed toward Dee and the lasting effects of it.
Mama shows partiality toward Dee over Maggie, which creates problems in the family. It gives Dee a sense of autonomy, and the confidence to take chances in the world to have the things she wants out of life. However, it has the opposite effect on Maggie. It forces her to be soft spoken and fated to accept a lie she is only capable of having the second best of everything out of life. Mama, giving Dee all her attention when she was a child has caused
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To show Mama the damage her favoritism has caused both her daughters. That is when Mama has a light bulb moment about the favoritism she’s shown to Dee all these years. She openly takes up for Maggie and refuses to give Dee something that she wants. Not only does Mama verbally say the word “no” but Mama embraces Maggie which shocks her. That seems to alter the visit and Dee is ready to leave after that. Surprisingly, Dee does not seem overly upset about not obtaining the quilts but believes Mama is making the wrong choice. For once, Mama witnesses Maggie give a real smile and it has to do with the knowledge Mama shows Maggie’s feelings hold value and she cares about Maggie 's happiness as

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