The first perspective in psychology is psychoanalytic theory. As Schacter, D. et al (2015) …show more content…
Schacter, D. et al (2015) have explained that behaviorism as an “approach that advocates that psychologists restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behavior” (p. 19). For example, think about a mother giving a kiss to her kids every day before they leave for school. The mother continues giving her kisses to her kids as the children grow up. Now, the children are 17 years old and the mother still gives kisses every day before school. Behaviorism causes the woman to kiss her kids. She does not have think before kissing her kids. The repeated behavior of kissing her kids leads the mother to unconsciously show her affection for them.
The fourth psychological perspective is cognitive psychology. Schacter, D. et al (2015) pointed out that cognitive psychology is the “scientific study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory, and reasoning” (p. 20). As an illustration, people have a type of person thought in mind that will come someday and marry them. People dream of a type of an individual that they could fall in love with and live with forever. They reason that the type of person they have in mind will fulfill all their wishes for them and keep them happy for life. Then in future, they meet someone just like in …show more content…
et al (2015) have claimed, behavioral neuroscience is an “approach to psychology that links psychological processes to activities in the nervous system and other bodily processes” (p. 21). Think about how a person acts when they are in love. People with sexual desires with their partners might only think about their partner’s attractive looks and personality when they see them. For example, teenage girls have a crush on their high school’s football team’s quarterback. The girls are most likely only attracted by the quarterback’s good looks. However, when looking for love, older adults not only look for a person’s good looks but also a person’s education, job, personality, intelligence, and how he or she behaves with other people. Likewise, Schacter, D. et al (2015) have written that cognitive neuroscience is the “field of study that attempts to understand the links between cognitive processes and brain activity” (p. 1). Everyone has had a crush and when asked have denied the emotion felt towards another man and/ woman. To put in another way, some people will be in love with their significant others but they will not express their love. They will not show their true feelings and emotion in certain situations because they are scared of the future changes with their partners. For this reason, they tell themselves to deny that they are in love.
The last perspective in psychology is cultural psychology. Schacter, D. et al (2015) explained that cultural