The Importance Of Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Register to read the introduction… Rubin. If the individual reveals their feelings to the one they love whether it is through physical contact, eye contact, or verbally, it usually draws the person to feel the same towards the other. However, there are those few reward that by not being liked from the person they are drawn to. This is called unrequited love, the individuals become even more attracted to the person because they like the challenge of trying to receive those feelings in return (Devault 135). As an example, Shakespeare for a visual of the appealing. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Helena, the best friend of Hermia, is frustrated and depressed because the man that she loves, and who once loved her, left her for the beauty of Hermia. Helena's self esteem lowers, and she begins to stalk her lover …show more content…
Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more.
Helena: You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant!
But yet you draw not iron, for my heart
Is true steel. Leave you your power to draw,
And I shall have no power to follow you.( Shakespeare 2.1. 188-196) In this case, Helena's experience is the Cyrano Style. Helena is not concerned about Demetrius not loving her, she cares about just having him in her life as her mate. She is satisfied having him in her life even if it he treats her wrong. This document consists of the obstacles a relationship goes through. By using A Midsummer Night's Dream, the situations in the book are used to demonstrate the obstacles and aspects of love. Such as the styles of love, the attitudes associated with love, the values one bases their relationships on, romantic love, and unrequited love. One should care about these phases to understand love better. To observe human beings and decide whether they are what they look for in a lover or not. An individual can learn a lot about themselves, whether it is their flaws or what type of lover they are. Therefore, that is what this document is about to research certain types of aspects of love and put them into real life

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