Overall it is a great way to save money for your education, but you miss out on extracurricular activities. Intermural teams and Greek life is a large percentage of what college student join nowadays. Many students join clubs with people that have the same interest, or get a head start in their careers by applying for internships. Another down side to a community college is that you are likely to see familiar faces from high school in your classes. Who wouldn’t want to escape their culture and experience different ones. To continue, the classes lack the abundance of students in community college. Being able to pass a course that is of higher difficulty looks better on your transcript. Not many community colleges have less course selection. The wide variety of majors at universities allows everyone to understand what career path to take. My friends attend South Western Illinois College (SWIC), in Belleville, Il, where their class sizes are around 20 students each and have caps at 32 spots for most classes. When class sizes are smaller the students are expected to participate in class discussions, like the traditional way of teaching students. At University, the teaching is more steered towards lectures and problem solving individually. So they will give you work that is going to be hard to interpret, but grade everyone slightly easier, for the challenging factor of the …show more content…
The amount of activities available at a university outweighs the amount of money that is being saved by attending a community college. It is extremely important that every student should realize before choosing the right college. Everyone is working towards the same goal, but there are plenty of different paths you can take. Figuring out what kind of college is better for you is only half the battle, until you are faced with the real problem of succeeding in college. Without all of these different types of activities going on around me at school I would become bored and unmotivated without all of the commotion. There is always something to do on campus weather its hanging with friends or simply doing your homework in the