In high school, if not told already, students are planted with a seed. This seed nurtures the idea that “Honors, AP, high test scores, and ‘A’ honor roll” get you into college. Eventually this seed flowers into anxiety, …show more content…
They offer a wide variety of tracts that aim you toward an associates degree or higher. Although you have to switch to a four-year college to obtain a degree higher then an associates, student still experienced their “first biology, physics, and chemistry” courses; just like high school, students are elaborating on the information they obtained in your introductory courses.
“The community college system is America’s hidden public service gem”, Liz Addison states in the belief that community colleges are the key to our futures education. From a psychological standpoint, she argues that a two-year education experience offers the same growth and development for students that a four-year university does; both options help students reach their overall potential. Another positive note associated with community college is that it offers more freedom: freedom of class selection, social selection, and adventure. There are endless possibilities and pathways at a community college.
In high school, community colleges are deemed unworthy, and that students are unintelligent if they attend there. When in actuality community colleges is one of the smarter