Both schools serve great purposes. Community College serves a better purpose for those who are not mentally or educationally prepared to move on to a much higher level education. For the ones, who are not ready to leave home, or the ones who are not ready to step into a bigger world. A University, are for the ones who are ready to leave home, the ones that are ready to be independent, and for those who already achieved their high school goals. It is also for the dorm, sister/brother life and sport activities. It all depends on what you want out of college and what you can afford. Every individual student is making the choice, their financial status, and their level of maturity. Each, and every American deserves an opportunity to receive the best education. So to anyone considering applying to college, I encourage you to take a look at a community college near you. You might be surprised at the opportunities awaiting you
Both schools serve great purposes. Community College serves a better purpose for those who are not mentally or educationally prepared to move on to a much higher level education. For the ones, who are not ready to leave home, or the ones who are not ready to step into a bigger world. A University, are for the ones who are ready to leave home, the ones that are ready to be independent, and for those who already achieved their high school goals. It is also for the dorm, sister/brother life and sport activities. It all depends on what you want out of college and what you can afford. Every individual student is making the choice, their financial status, and their level of maturity. Each, and every American deserves an opportunity to receive the best education. So to anyone considering applying to college, I encourage you to take a look at a community college near you. You might be surprised at the opportunities awaiting you