There is one basic cause for gun violence in the United States. There are individuals who own guns that should not be allowed to own guns. In most states, background checks are required to buy a gun(Universal). This means that anyone in those 42 states can buy a gun including the mentally ill, career criminals, gang members, etc. Just in New York City alone, 62% of the people who sold a gun online agreed to sell their gun to a person who claimed they could not pass a background check(Universal). If buying guns required a person to have a background check, then there should not be nearly as many deaths. Since 1994, there has been at least two million people denied the purchase of a gun because they failed the background check(Universal). The background checks should help eliminate those from having guns that should not have guns(Universal). That is the one basic cause for gun violence. There have been many deaths over the years that are the direct result of gun violence. …show more content…
The United States loses the most people to gun violence every than any other country(violence). Just in 2016 alone there has been a total of 373 mass shootings in the country(Gun). There have also been many school shootings in the United States. One of those shootings was at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut where 26 people were shot and killed. Twenty of those kids were six and seven years old(Smith). Another school shooting was Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado. There were a total of thirteen people shot and killed by the two boys who caused the shooting(History). The placement of resource officers at all schools will help make the total number of school shootings go down(Palm). The history of shootings in schools and other public places goes on and on. We have to put a stop to all of this violence, or it could get more dangerous than it already is. Gun violence directly hurts all of its victims. The victims are directly hurt because they are the ones that are being killed or seriously wounded. The individuals killed will never see another day on earth nor will they ever get to see their family members again. The victims that survived the violence will relive the nightmare for years to come. These people will never think about life or live the life the way they did before. Gun violence indirectly hurts families and the communities in which the incident happened. “This violence hurts their family and friends that are left behind to mourn their deaths or to take care of their injuries, both mentally and physically”(US). Communities are affected because the victims who died could be co-workers, classmates, or teammates that they will never get to see again. Even the country, as a whole, could be affected by any kind of shooting in the United States. These are the people who gun violence indirectly hurts. The United States has tried and has failed to solve the gun violence problems. The United States has tried many times to rid this country of gun violence. One of the ways was to enforce stricter gun laws. However, as the past few years have gone by, that has obviously has not worked. California has new gun laws that …show more content…
It is getting better by having more restrictive laws and by requiring background checks There are still a lot of deaths because of the people who own guns or have unlocked guns within their homes. With the background checks, the people who don’t meet the guidelines of owning a gun will not legally have a gun. With more police on duty, this will help with the gun problems. Again with the new laws and having more police, the fatality rate should go down tremendously. In conclusion, stricter laws and background checks are necessary for the lives of everyone in