Gun Violence Solution

Superior Essays
Violence in the United States has become one of the largest topics of debate as of recent. Murder has become much too common, and the rate of this crime is only increasing. The solution to violence, more specifically gun violence, is a large point of discussion in the current presidential race. Citizens and politicians alike have very different viewpoints on how this issue should be dealt with, and this disagreement is causing a hindrance to actually solving the problem at hand.
The number of mass shooting in the United States is increasing at an alarming rate. There have been more mass shootings since 2005 than the past 23 years before that. This is for multiple reasons. Guns are readily available to whomever wants to buy them. So long as
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In the United States, there are about 89 firearms for every 100 people. This is almost triple the amount of any other first world country. The amount of homicides by firearm per 100,000 people is also 3.5 times greater than any similar country. There is clearly a strong correlation between the abundance of firearms, and the rate of violent crime. Strengthening gun laws would be a positive step towards decreasing the rate of gun violence. It is clear that at this point in time, it is much too easy to purchase a firearm. At a minimum, the background check system should be reworked to prevent unstable people from buying a firearm, despite the person 's “clean …show more content…
In fact, the high amount of firearms owned by US citizens creates a fear in police officers. Police violence and brutality has become a controversial topic in recent news. Stories of police officers using excessive force come out on the news every day. Media portrays most of these police brutality crimes as race-motivated, and this evidence is hard to refute as most victims are African-American. The question is, is race the only reason these police officers use excessive force when conducting an arrest? Police officers in the United States are inherently more fearful of citizens than law enforcement should be. Again, in European countries police officers treat people with respect and try to solve the problem. In the United States, police officers are very cautious and don’t keep their hands too far away from their weapon. This underlying fear is what needs to be eliminated in order to prevent unnecessary police shootings and brutality. If police don’t have to worry about getting shot at every time they respond to a call, they can assess and aid the situation much more efficiently. When police believe their life is in danger, they tend to act rashly, and too often people are hurt in the

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