Should Gun Laws Be Allowed To Bear Arms Essay

Improved Essays
When the founding fathers of the United States wrote the Constitution, they added the Bill of Rights which is a set of the first the ten amendments of to the Constitution. The second of these amendments, states that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (U.S Const. Amend II). Particularly, this amendment is interpreted in many ways; some pro gun-control groups say only militias are allowed to bear arms, and pro gun groups say that every citizen is allowed to bear arms. Although there are different views of what the Second Amendment really means, the reality is that in the U.S, citizens are allowed to own firearms. With the seemingly recent surge of public shootings over the past few years in places such as Newtown, Connecticut; and Aurora, Colorado, …show more content…
In order for gun control to be implemented, laws need to passed. Such laws would include mandatory background checks for the purchase of a firearm, a ban of handguns, or a ban of gun accessories like high capacity magazines and silencers. With the apparently recent rise of gun violence, some Americans blame guns and the lack of gun control for these acts of gun violence. Notably, gun control advocates argue that laws need to be implemented to prevent such atrocities; as there are many people who want gun control to implemented, there are just as many people who claim some of these laws are unconstitutional, ineffective and may only allow for more gun violence in the near future. Indeed, the implementation of Gun Control faces extreme opposition from flatlined gun violence rates, powerful lobby groups, the potential for guns to save lives, and the economic/social importance of guns. Ultimately, these factors make any attempt to implement gun control, borderline impossible. (“Gun”

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