Gun violence is an all-time high. In the wake of Sandy Hook, widespread concern forced legislators to take a second glance at our gun laws. When twenty children and six educators were gunned down, many citizens were stunned, outraged, and begged authorities to pass more crucial gun laws because with fewer guns, there could possibly be fewer incidents involving gun violence. Many people believe that the widespread availability of guns is making society unsafe. Each year, nearly 100,000 Americans are shot, 32,000 of them die, 47 children are shot every day, and eight of them die, according to the U.S. News Digital Weekly. In order to solve this problem, deeper background checks should be required by all applicants trying …show more content…
Yet the newspapers did not publicized this incident, as it happened two days prior the Sandy Hook incident, how much more difficult would it be for the next human degenerate to inflict harm or murder on innocent civilians with the knowledge of how he would be met by normal, gun-carrying, citizens (Machaud) A criminal premeditating the idea of shooting down dozens of civilians might then take a step back and consider the fact that if they really should risk their life in an attempt to extinguish the life of others. The ability to carry a firearm is not only a protection for yourself, but also serves as protection for those who are not carrying firearms around you. In the article, The Second Amendment is all For Gun Control, Adam Winkler writes to persuade his readers that gun control has always been a part of the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution. The 2nd Amendment is about the right to bear arms, the right we have as American citizens to carry a firearm as protection. Though guns have been used incorrectly in past and recent events, these instances cannot stop us from “securing an individual right to have guns for personal protection” as the 2nd Amendment so clearly states that we are allowed (Winkler). The right given to us by the constitution clearly states the we have the right to owning a firearm for our protection. There are assumptions where owning a gun may dissolve a conflict before the police or anyone who could even remotely help would be able to arrive. Showing those criminals how they are viewed by pointing a gun back at them causes them to second guess any of their choice to cause mayhem on U.S