At every Republican or Democratic national debate the topic is bound to occur. The view of a gun controlled society is still a very left-wing approach. The right wing of the Republican Party believe guns to be a necessary right of the people. That right, however, seems to dim when the topic of automatic rifles is discussed. Liberals believe it should not be so easy for someone to obtain guns, much less at all. Today there should be a better way of checking the sanity of certain gun owners (mentally impaired) or future gun owners; however, it should not be a situation where only law enforcement would be able to buy/receive guns. In 1994 a ban was placed on assault riffles that would be in effect for 10 years. They found that being more specific on which weapons were banned was easier than any other form of gun control. This, however, was not as easy as predicted. The country of Australia was able to create a much tighter version of gun control; they were only able to do this because of how much money they had. They had to revoke all guns specifically after they had one of the largest massacres to ever occur there. It worked because Australia did not have many guns or freedoms to deal with. The United States and Australia are two completely different countries with two completely different governments. The number of deaths from an automatic weapon were only 2% of the total gunshot-related crimes. During that period of time the number of deaths by gun-related accidents only changed slightly. It might have been so minor that change was even harder to view. It should be made more difficult for anyone to obtain a weapon but not so difficult that one could not obtain a gun for more than a year at a
At every Republican or Democratic national debate the topic is bound to occur. The view of a gun controlled society is still a very left-wing approach. The right wing of the Republican Party believe guns to be a necessary right of the people. That right, however, seems to dim when the topic of automatic rifles is discussed. Liberals believe it should not be so easy for someone to obtain guns, much less at all. Today there should be a better way of checking the sanity of certain gun owners (mentally impaired) or future gun owners; however, it should not be a situation where only law enforcement would be able to buy/receive guns. In 1994 a ban was placed on assault riffles that would be in effect for 10 years. They found that being more specific on which weapons were banned was easier than any other form of gun control. This, however, was not as easy as predicted. The country of Australia was able to create a much tighter version of gun control; they were only able to do this because of how much money they had. They had to revoke all guns specifically after they had one of the largest massacres to ever occur there. It worked because Australia did not have many guns or freedoms to deal with. The United States and Australia are two completely different countries with two completely different governments. The number of deaths from an automatic weapon were only 2% of the total gunshot-related crimes. During that period of time the number of deaths by gun-related accidents only changed slightly. It might have been so minor that change was even harder to view. It should be made more difficult for anyone to obtain a weapon but not so difficult that one could not obtain a gun for more than a year at a