Gun Control Legislation Essay

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Confiscation Of The Gun Legislation In this country we are at the point of Gun control legislation, that the government is trying to save lives, but also putting the lives of citizens at risk by making it even more ridiculous on obtaining a gun legally, and in turn making the law abiding citizen turn down the route that the criminal would to obtain their guns. Sadly, our government is tirelessly still trying to construct the process and creating it more difficult and to take away that much more of safety to the legal gun toting American has by being even tougher on gun control legislation, instead of focusing on reducing the amount of guns through illegal carrying. Many options give grounds for the argument of Gun control. The ultimate reason is shown in statistics that enhancing more stringent regulations on gun control can hurt the end state of the objective than help it. Another is to encourage police officers to frisk more often, and be more observant towards people and the places they might be concealing a weapon. Also another option that is equally important is that self-defense is a good way to deter a would be criminal from burglarizing a person or occupied home. So the perspective of a tighter grip on gun control needs to be more broad and less narrow minded. To begin with, will be the statistics on the issue. In support of the argument of gun control there are over 200 Million guns that are privately owned by individuals legally, to which one-third of those being hand guns. With around 2 percent of those being gainfully employed to commit crimes. Not to mention that about one-sixth of the handguns used in criminal offenses are bought in a gun store or pawn shop. The amount of criminal activity, as stated in the statistics is that the gun violence that happens is through guns bought legally is a small fraction, but those obtained illegally is to where all the ferocity is originating from. In turn making strict gun laws will be contradicting to their mission of lowering the criminal activity conducted with gun violence (James Q Wilson 125). Second, is to encourage police officers to be more proactive on disarming the persons that illegally carry, because in 1992 there were about 240,000 people arrested for illegal carry, that is about one-fourth of the people arrested for public drunkenness. There are a several ways to do that, first and foremost is to have police officers looking bulges, which would give reasonable suspicion to affect a pat down. By the same token, giving the officers on their beat of the offenders that are on probation or parole, to insure they are not carrying any guns. And lastly is having them frequently stop and frisk any members of Gangs that have been known for assaults and/or drug dealing. To effectively to find weapons in a person’s possession will have to be conducted with an experienced eye, so experienced not to …show more content…
This is a good way to deter criminals that might try to use gun violence in lieu of a burglary. People who reported to the National Crime Survey stated that they defended themselves with a weapon were less likely to lose personal property or injury, than those who did not protect themselves. Statistics have shown that criminals are weary of armed victims. Self-defense is an absolute. It gives a person greater protection if there isn’t any police officers around, or if they are in a desolate area, where crime might be high. Being able to brandish a weapon to show the, would be assailant, that all individuals aren’t helpless, and in turn will prevent the crime to turn into a statistic (James Q. Wilson).
People should keep in mind the assumptions of what Gun control can bring. The first assumption is that most hand guns are stolen, borrowed, or obtained through personal transactions. It is a strong possibility that guns that were used in the progress of a crime could be true, but the only statistics that can stem from that is those who were caught with the gun, and by where they said it was obtained from. Meaning they could be telling you the truth or could be trying to cover their own tracks or by keeping others out of trouble. Therefore the assumption cannot be one-hundred percent

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