The OT replied, Mrs. Schaefer required constant guarding, independent in upper extremity but still required assistant with lower grooming and dressing. Bed and sit stand transfers had improved, they were working on stairs and she was walking 50-150 feet with the walker and stand by assistance. She required 24 hour attendant care, household and medical transportation for discharge. She still had urinary retention and will straight Cath herself. The therapist and I discussed home equipment and they furnished the prescription. Mrs. Schaefer continued to make improvements and was discharge home with home care attendant care and PT/OT/SN, medications, including breathing treatment on August 1, 2017. I had coordinated DME items through Beaumont Hospital, home care with Angela Home Care, and Transportation with Alimar. Installation of DME items through Adaptec. The adjuster was notified.
There were multiple phone calls and text message from family members regarding difficulty with medications and not wanting to pay out of pocket. Eventually, this was resolved and she was enrolled with Script Advisors. Mrs. Schaefer notified me that she had this appointment scheduled prior to her hospitalization with her primary care Dr. Manu for August 9 at the Geriatric Center in Ann …show more content…
Schaefer did travel to Idaho independently without family and returned 8/24/17. She notified me today 8/25 that the air was too thin for her and she required oxygen while in Idaho. Mrs. Schaefer was evaluated by a clinic Redicare in Idaho Falls and received her oxygen from a supplier. When she returned to Detroit she no longer required oxygen support. Her daughter will be here for a while and will be providing the attendant care and transporting to her physician appointment. Mrs. Schaefer reported she canceled her August 28 appointment with the nurse practitioner and rescheduled it to Wednesday, August 30, 2017. Mrs. Schaefer confirmed she had 3 Fentanyl patches and would be going up north for a few days and be back for the reschedule appointment. The home care agency and transportation were