The first product is a picture of the soup in the original color. Tomato soup is a staple food for the American people. The fact that Andy Warhol and many Americans found beauty in this reveals something about this time period. This shows that, in 1968 when Warhol make this art, there was something about everyday items that need to be recognized. This could be because in the sixties many households had made it through the Great Depression and were now more appreciative of small things, for example, soup. The second product is a picture of the same soup but with a blue background. What is interesting about this product, that is also seen in the first product, is the description; the advertisement states, “Only 5 left in stock.” The seller tries to make the consumer value the product more by telling them that this is a product that is highly demanded. The advertisement also states, “Satisfaction Guaranteed.” Again this shows the seller convincing the potential buys that this product is worth having. The third product is a picture of the same soup but this picture does not have the original red and white colors of the Campbell’s soup. This product is blue and green and is valued at a lower price than the first two. This depiction of the soup does not even resemble the classic, well known Campbell's soup at first glance. These colors are a lot more easy going than the red and white. This is not representative of the typical american lifestyle. The fourth product is a picture is in blue red orange and yellow. The way Warhol chose these colors looks almost like a sunset over the ocean. It’s noteworthy that this product is valued at a much lower price than the other products with different colors. This could be because the typical American lifestyle does not include watching the sunset over the ocean. The typical American lifestyle would include working a nine-to-five job then coming home to take care of your family, by making them some tomato soup. There is not time to stop to watch the sunset and most Americans do not have access to the ocean. This, again, speaks to the typical consumer of Campbell’s Soup. It seems that as the colors in the picture more farther and farther away from the original red and white, the lower the practice is valued. The fact that the soup has the same design as it did shows that the American people value things that are consistent and work. If …show more content…
This seal could be put there by the Campbell’s soup company to say to the American people that our soup is the same soup as it was for the past fifty years and will be the same in the future. This shows that the average consumer is attracted to the idea of being able to rely on the soup to be the same. This is consistent with the other aspects of the advertisement. The last product that is advertised is a soup container. This product goes along with this same idea of always being able to rely on Campbell’s soup. If you purchase the Campbell's soup container you can eat your campbell’s soup anywhere, not just at your