The U.S. Food Administration ad’s space is mainly taken up by the woman in a dress and cap with the American flag pattern. With the background being a light tan color it makes the woman pop out since she’s a different color. Finally there’s the saying underneath the woman, “Be Patriotic, sign your country’s pledge to save the food”. The tone of this advertisement, as said by the saying, is patriotic. The patriotic tone is accentuated even more when someone looks into the history of this ad. This ad was created when the United States was involved the first World War. The troops overseas were not receiving enough food to support them all, so the U.S. Food Administration created these ads to convince the American people to use only what they need. …show more content…
Due to it’s audience the U.S. Food Administration had to appeal to every person in the United States. Like another famous war-time ad, they put someone dressed the United States colors along with a simple message. The word patriotic within the saying underneath can also inspire the American people to ration, since Americans had a strong pride for their