Many different types of animals are used in a variety of experiments and tests. They are used in consumer product testing; which tests the safety of different products that consumers can buy for example; cosmetics, household products, and chemicals (Source #7). They are used in biomedical research to study disease, injury, psychology, anatomy, and physiology (Source #7). Finally, they are used in classroom experiments to disect or vivisect. Vivisection is performing operations on …show more content…
However, there are many different types of alternatives to using animals. Many religions agree that it is acceptable to use animals if it benefits humans and is absolutely necessary. Despite this being true, the majority of these experiments being performed aren't accurate, therefore they do not benefit humans. Lastly, scientists argue that because animals have shorter lifespans they are better able to study long term effects, genetic manipulations, and are able to watch for symptoms in future generations but, studying inaccurate information doesn’t help the general public (Source